Tuesday, 24 November 2009
How to do the Moonwalk
1. Lift the right heel up.
2. Keep the left foot flat on the floor.
3. Slowly pull the left foot back.
4. Swap heels.
5. Repeat all these steps smoothly in time with the music.
Chimp Cooperation
Tickling Apes
The Chimpanzee's Memory
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Netball Injury!

It was the second half of the match. I felt tired. But I was doing my best to play well. A player from the other team threw the ball to another player and I tried to catch it. Suddenly I lost my balance, slipped and fell.
I don't remember anything about the next few minutes. My friends ran forward to help and took me to the rest room. I had leg wounds and was bleeding.
Teachers, friends and my mum cleaned my wounds, bandaged them and applied antiseptic.
It was so painful and I couldn't bear it!
I felt dizzy with the pain and the shock. It took nearly six hours to recover and it was the most unforgettable and painful experience of my life.
Andare and the Rock

One day the farmer asked for help from his friends and together they tried to remove the rock. They dug around the rock and loosened the small stones around it. But they couldn't move it and tried to think of another way of doing it.
At that moment Andare walked past. One farmer shouted out:
"Hey guys! There's no need for us to work so hard. Here's the man who can do anything: Andare!"
Andare realised that that were trying to embarrass him. So he thought:
"O.K. I'll teach them a lesson that they'll never forget."
"I'll do it for you. But I won't do it without a reward. Iwant black chicken and rice for three days. And a bottle of arrack too."
The farmers gave him everything he wanted and went to the field on the day that Adare said he would remove the rock.
He had brought a rough carpet for the task. Everyone wondered what he was going to do.
Andare went to the rock and without hesitating put the carpet onto his shoulders.
He said:
"Hey! What are you looking at! Pick the rock up and put it on my shoulders so I can remove it from the field. I said I would....Hey! Pick it up!"
Everyone realised that they had been fooled!
Jack Jack, Mack Mack

The British used to go hither and thither by bullock cart. But the Cart-man was Sinhalese. He used to say this:
"Jack, Jack, Mack, Mack!"
He called the bullock and told it off using an English person's name.
But the British people didn't understand it!
Mona Lisa

It took him four years to paint this portrait.
It is believed that Mona Lisa was the wife of a wealthy merchant.
Now this portrait hangs in the 'Louvre' gallery in Paris.
It is believed that when someone is looking at the portrait they feel that Mona Lisa's eyes are following them..
It is this that made the painting world-famous.
Andare and the Hard of Hearing

One day Andare was about to leave the palace after his duties. The Queen called him over:
"You have been coming to the palace for a very long time. But you've never brought your wife. I'd like to talk to her!" the Queen said.
I'll bring her over to the palace tomorrow. But, your majesty, she is a little hard of hearing. You may have to speak loudly so that she can hear."replied Andare.
Andare went home and told his wife that the Queen wished to see her but that she must speak up when she spoke to the queen because she couldn't hear very well.
The following day the King saw the Queen and Andare's wife talking at the top of their voices. The voices were unbearable:
"Stop it! Stop it! What's happening here?" he asked
"I'm talking to Andare's wife in a loud voice because she is hard of hearing" the Queen replied.
"I'm also talking to the Queen in a loud voice because she is supposed to be hard of hearing" said Andare's wife.
The King at once understood what had happened. He couldn't stop himself laughing.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is an island which lies in the Indian Ocean. "The Garden of Eden" is a name Sri Lanka has earned because of its beauty. Some people call it "Pearl of the Indian Ocean".
It had different names at different times. Sometimes it has been called 'Taprobane' and in later periods, 'Dharmadipa'.
It is 224km East to West and 432km North to South. Thr totalm area is 65,610 sq.km. Its population today is 20, 238,000.
The main event of the year is the New Year Festival. Normally it is held on 13-14th of April. And there are games like "pancha damima", "thachchi panima", "kotta poraya", "chakgudu".
Sri Lanka earns its foreign exchange from the tourist trade. Tourists come in their hundreds and thousands to see the golden beaches, jungles, ruins, temples, dagaobas and enjoy the sunny climate.
It had different names at different times. Sometimes it has been called 'Taprobane' and in later periods, 'Dharmadipa'.
It is 224km East to West and 432km North to South. Thr totalm area is 65,610 sq.km. Its population today is 20, 238,000.
The main event of the year is the New Year Festival. Normally it is held on 13-14th of April. And there are games like "pancha damima", "thachchi panima", "kotta poraya", "chakgudu".
Sri Lanka earns its foreign exchange from the tourist trade. Tourists come in their hundreds and thousands to see the golden beaches, jungles, ruins, temples, dagaobas and enjoy the sunny climate.
Ramanathan Hindu Ladies' College
This is one of the best schools in Colombo and has all of the facilities a good school should have. There are 58 classrooms and the laboratories are well-equipped.
It has a stone building and as we enter the school there is a temple on the left and a garden on our right. When we enter the building, the principal's room, the office and the staff room are on the left hand side. These are well-furnished.
At our school students have to wear a white uniform, white shoes and socks. We have a maroon tie and black ribbons. In our school special attention is paid to behaviour, clenliness and punctuality. The most well-behaved, neat and punctual student is awarded a prize at the Annual Day function.
Our principal is a stict disciplinarian. If anyone violates the rules, is not in uniform or makes mischief, she is punished. But she is fair and caring.
Our teachers are also quite strict. They teach us with great care and help us when we neeed it.
I like my school very mu8ch and I shall never forget it.
It has a stone building and as we enter the school there is a temple on the left and a garden on our right. When we enter the building, the principal's room, the office and the staff room are on the left hand side. These are well-furnished.
At our school students have to wear a white uniform, white shoes and socks. We have a maroon tie and black ribbons. In our school special attention is paid to behaviour, clenliness and punctuality. The most well-behaved, neat and punctual student is awarded a prize at the Annual Day function.
Our principal is a stict disciplinarian. If anyone violates the rules, is not in uniform or makes mischief, she is punished. But she is fair and caring.
Our teachers are also quite strict. They teach us with great care and help us when we neeed it.
I like my school very mu8ch and I shall never forget it.
Hat Seller

It was a hot day. On his way back through the forest he felt tired and sat down under a big tree. He kept his hats by his side and had a little nap.
After a couple of hours he heard a sound and woke up. He looked up and saw some monkeys in the tree wearing his hats. He got angry, picked up some stones and threw them at the monkeys. The monkeys threw stones back at the hat seller.
The hat seller was scratching his head and trying to think of a plan. He noticed that the monkeys were doing the same thing.
He took his hat in his hand and threw it at the monkeys. The monkeys did the same thing and then he picked up all his hats and walked home.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
How to make an Omlette
Seeing Malani

I was chatting with my friends. Suddenly I saw my favourite film star glimmering in the huge crowd. I couldn't believe it. I thought I was dreaming. But it was true, the famous Sri Lankan actress was at the wedding!
She was wearing a very expensive black sari with silver borders, decorated with silver jewellery. I looked at her for a few moments and then tried to talk to her. But, unfortunately, a crowd gathered around her asking questions and trying to get her autograph.
She has forged her own path to the top of the film industry. She hasn't followed in anyone's footsteps. She got where she is today through her own talent. And that is why she maintains her top ranking in Sri Lankan cinema still.
Hand Injury

I was in a hurry to deliver a lunch packet to my aunt. There were no vehicles on the road apart from a bus which had stopped on my right.
When I was crossing the road a car suddenly came and knocked me over. I fell down and injured my hand.
The van driver took me to hospital and a doctor gave me some medical treatment.
After that I went home.
My hand took two weeks to heal.
Caught Cheating!

It was our Economics exam. The paper was very tough. We didn't know how to answer any of the questions.
So we decided to cheat!
One of my friends took his Economics textbook out of his bag and started to copy it. All of us were waiting until he had finished.
The time given for the exam was one and a half hours. He took half an hour to copy, then he gave the textbook to us. We all started copying in a hurry.
When the exam was over the teacher marked the papers. All five of us got the same marks.
But the teacher had her doubts.
So she checked them again. All 5 papers were the same, not a single sentence was different,
So we all got caught!
Seeing Roshan and nearly meeting Saranga!

I went to a Roshan Ranawana concert with my friend. In the audience I saw Saranga Disasekara, the famous actor.
I wanted to get his autograph, but we didn't have a pen. So we were running around looking for one.
He saw us and looked at us as if he was wondering why these girls were running here and there.
Although he was taking photos with his fans, he noticed us!
But in the end we couldn't get his autograph....

Attempted Cheating

Unfortunately, she didn't know the answer either.
Then she suggested that we ask our friend who was sitting in the corner. We tried our best to attract her attention, but she didn't see us.
The teacher noticed us and asked:
"What's going on?"
We said nothing.
She went off and then we got an idea. We wrote the question on a piece of paper and put it into a stapler and passed it across the classroom.
The teacher saw us and stood between us until the end of the test.
I didn't get the answer and I lost my stapler as well!
Triple H

A: Did you watch that wrestling match yesterday?
B: Where and when was it?
A: It was in California and the match was broadcast last night on 'Ten Sports'
B: Oh! We haven't got satellite in our new house, co I couldn't watch it. Who was in the match?
A: John Cena and Triple H. It was a one-hour Iron Man Match. They used anything to attack: chairs, hammers, ladders...
B: Amazing! I've never seen anything like that in my life. Was it exciting?
A: It was a terrifying match and we didn't know what was going to happen from one moment to the next. But it was exciting for the spectators. Finally, Triple H attacked with a hammer and John Cena was defeated.
Term Test
Interview with a School Cheat

A: Oh, it was when I was my grade 11 examination.
Q: Where were you?
A: At my school.
Q: Ah, so you cheated in your school examination. Am I correct?
A: Yes.
Q: When did you cheat?
A: It was 4 years ago when I was grade 11.
Q: Why did you cheat?
A: I was a schoolboy, you know. I did it to pass the exam. I had some fun, but it was wrong.
Q: How did you cheat?
A: Oh, I copied my friend's exam paper. It was easy.
Q: Then?
A: Then I passed my exam quite easily, but it was cheating.
Q: Thank you for speaking with me.
A: Oh, thank you. But remember cheating is not a good thing to do in your life.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Snakes & Ladders

2. If you get 1 or 6 you can put your piece on the first square of the board. You throw the die again. Then you'll get a new number. According to that number you can move your piece square by square.
3. In this game if you meet a ladder tou can climb up it and then you'll reach a higher position on the board. If you meet a snale you have to go down. Then you'' reach a lower position on the board.
4. The first person to reach the FINISH is the winner.
5. Players take it in turns to throw the die and move their pieces.

There are two pieces of equipment called the racket and shuttlecock. These are very expensive in my country.
The game is played in a court. In the middle is a net about five feet high.
If we play singles we remove the sideline. If we play doubles we use the whole court.
Badminton is an international game.
I like playing badminton. I play for my office.
Noughts and Crosses
Hide and Seek

Any number of children can play this game.
Firstly we must select the girl who will do the seeking.
The others hide.
The seeker closes her eyes and starts counting. When she finishes he asks, "Are you ready?"
The others say, "Yes, we're ready"
After that the seeker must find the others.
If she finds a boy the seeker is released from her post.
The seeker can now hide and the boy who was found has to count.
That's the game!
The Game of Panchi [a traditional Sinhalese New Year game]

1. Two teams can play this game. One or two members can be in a team. Each team has three pieces to move around the board.
2. One group must start the game from the right side of the board and the other from the left side.
3. Take all the shells and shake them well. The put them into a coconut shell which is turned curved side up.
4. The number of shells turned to the flate side indicates the number of spaces a piece can go.
5. To start the game the player must get 1, 5 or 6.
6. If a player gets 1, 5 or six he also gets a chance to put another shell on the board.
7. Only one piece can be in a space except in the spaces marked with a cross. If two pieces come to one space the piece which was there first has to start the game from the beginning.
8. If all 7 shells are turned are turned on the flat side it is a zero.
9. If all the shells are curved side it is 14 and also the player gets another chance to put more shells on.
The team which takes all 3 pieces to the palace first wins this game.
Cream Caramel
Sambola Curry

--The players use a stick or cue to strike a white cue ball which in turn strikes object balls.
--The goal is to drive or pot object balls into six pockets located at the edge of the table.
--The 15 object balls are packed into a triangle to start the game.
--There are two types of object balls: stripes and solids
--The player to strike a solid or stripe first has to play with this type
--If a player pot an object ball he has an open break
--If he fails to strike his object ball it is a foul shot.
--If a player pots the black ball before he has pocketed his seven balls he loses the game.
--The player who clears the board first by potting all his balls is the winner.
Coconut Sambol [Pol Sambol]

1. 2 cups of scaped fresh coconut
2. 2 small onions - sliced
3. 2 green chillies - sliced
4. 1 clove of garlic - chopped
5. 1 spoon of red hot chilli powder
6. 1 spoon of salt
7. I spoon of Maldivian fish
8. I medium lime
Grind or chop all the ingredients except coconut in a grinder.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add the coconut.
Continue to grind until the coconut turns evenly red.
Squeeze half a lime and mix well.
Taste and add extra salt or lime.
The Rules of Cricket
*Cricket can be played as a limited over game or a Test match
*Nowadays overs matches are 50 or 20 overs
*Test matches normally take 5 days
*There are 11 players on each side, one of whom is the captain
*One bowler can bowl 10 overs
*One over has six balls
*No balls and wides give extra runs to the other team
*If the batsman hits the ball over the boundary line without hitting the ground it's called a six
*If the batsman hits the ball past the boundary it's scores 4 runs
*If the bowler puts his foot over the crease when he's bowling it's called a no ball
*If the wicket keeper hits the stumps before the batsman crosses the crease it's called a run-out
*The stumps must be equal in size and wide enough to stop the ball passing between.
Here's Gary Sobers scoring six sixes in one over:
*Nowadays overs matches are 50 or 20 overs
*Test matches normally take 5 days
*There are 11 players on each side, one of whom is the captain
*One bowler can bowl 10 overs
*One over has six balls
*No balls and wides give extra runs to the other team
*If the batsman hits the ball over the boundary line without hitting the ground it's called a six
*If the batsman hits the ball past the boundary it's scores 4 runs
*If the bowler puts his foot over the crease when he's bowling it's called a no ball
*If the wicket keeper hits the stumps before the batsman crosses the crease it's called a run-out
*The stumps must be equal in size and wide enough to stop the ball passing between.
Here's Gary Sobers scoring six sixes in one over:
Vegetable Biryani

First add chopped ginger, garlic and cinnamon and cook for a few minutes.
Then add sliced onions and powders
Add sliced tomatoes and leaves
Add stock and well-washed and well-soaked rice
Stir well
When the rice and water level are equal add the curd and rose water and mix well
Cover the pan and cook until the biryani is ready
Dal Curry

Ingredients:250g dal, coconut milk (1-2 cups), onion, dried chillies, garlic, curry leaves, cinnamon, capsicum, mixed spices, saffron.
How to make it:
1. Wash the dal well
2. Add chopped onion, garlic, cinnamon, capsicum, saffron and mixed spices.
3. Mix well and put into a saucepan.
4. Pour in the cocunut milk.
5. Mix again.
Now your curry is ready to cook.
Put the saucepan on the cooker and boil.
Serve with bread or rice.
Dhal Curry

Take one cup of dhal and put it into the pan. Wash the dhal two or three times and fill the pan with water.
Put the pan on a cooker and heat the liquid for 5 minutes until it's steaming.
Take the turmeric, pepper and salt and put it into the pan.
Slice the tomatoes. Chop the onions, garlic and chillies. Add to the dhal.
Stir and now the dhal is ready to serve.
Banta Singh's Job Interview

Interviewer (I): Give me the opposite words
Banta Singh (B): O.K.
(I): Made in India
(B): Destroyed in Pakistan
(I): Keep it up!!
(B): Put it down
(I): Maxi Mum
(B): Mini Dad
(I): Enough! Take your seat.
(B): Don't take my seat
(I): Idiot! Take your seat.
(B): Clever! Don't take my seat.
(I): I say you get out!
(B): You didn't say I come in.
(I): I reject you.
(B): You appoint me.
(I): !!!!!!!!!
How to make noodles

Noodles, salt, 3 bottles of water, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, 2 teaspoons of soya bean sauce, 125g of chicken, garlic, finely sliced cabbage, carrots, leeks, red onions and garlic. Salt and pepper to taste.
Mix 2 teaspoons of salt in 3 bottles of water, bring to the boil in a pan. Add the noodles and boil for a few minutes.
Put two teaspoons of cooking oil in a pan. Fry onions and garlic until brown. Add chicken, salt, pepper and soya sauce.
When cooked through, add the vegetables and stir fry for 2 minutes.
Finally, add the cooked noodles, simmer for a few minutes and serve hot.
How to make a carrot salad
Pineapple Juice

2. Chop it into small pieces.
3. Put these pieces into a blender.
4. Add a litre of water.
5. Add 4 tablespoons and a pinch of salt to that.
6. Blend it well.
7. Put it into a jug and keep it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.
8. Finally put it into glasses and serve.
Boiling an egg
How to make rice

Then get a clean pan and put the rice into it.
Add sufficient water and put on the stove and cover it.
Let the water boil.
Uncover the pan when the water is boiling and cover the pan when it stops boiling.
After some time when there is very little water in the pan, cover it and let the rice steam for 2-3 minutes.
Now the rice is ready to eat!

2. We can have no more than six players can play in a team.
3. The players must stay on their side of the court.
4. If the ball comes to our side of the court we can only hit it three times.
5. We mustn't touch the net.
6. When we win a point we have to change our players' positions.
One Bounce Cricket Game

Rules of the Game
The players should divide into two teams with 11 members each. Just like 50 overs cricket there are two players batting and the opposition team fields.
The batsmen should try to hit the ball so that it flies over the fielders' heads. But it must bounce once.
If the ball doesn't bounce the batsman is out.
The other rules are just like 50 overs cricket:
*if the ball hits the wicket while batting or running between the wickets, or the batsman is caught, then the player is out
*if the bowler delivers a ball far away from the wicket it is called a wide
or if the bowler's foot lands in front of the crease it is a no ball - the other side gains extra runs
This is not a simple game to play. We must concentrate and have patience. We can build up patience, concentration, teamworking, quick responsiveness and a lot of skills through this game.
How to make French Fries
Fish & Tomato Curry

Tomatoes cut into pieces, Maldivian fish, curry leaves, tamarind leaf, a few pieces of cinnamon, chopped red onions, salt, tamarind leaf, a few pieces of cinnamon, chopped red onions, saffron, chilli, coconut milk & oil, a knife and a pan!
1. Take the pan and put it on a gas cooker, put oil in it and heat until the oil is warm
2. Put the Maldivian fish into the pan and fry. Take the fish out after frying.
3. Take the tamarind leaf, cinnamon and chopped red onions. Put them in the pan and let them fry.
4. Put the fish back in.
5. Add the tomatoes, chilli and saffron. Fry quickly.
6. Add the coconut milk and boil the contents of the pan for a few minutes.
7. Put the curry into bowls.
8. Serve with bread or rice.
How to make Apple Jiuce
Vegetable Soup

2. Cut them into small pieces and put them into a cooking pot.
3. Add some water and coconut milk.
4. Put the cooking pot onto a gas cooker and boil it.
5. Add some salt.
6. Add pepper and mixed spices.
7. Leave it to stew and when it is well boiled take it off the cooker.
8. Serve it to your guests.
The Fox and the Crow

There was a greedy fox in a forest. It felt hungry. He wondered how to find something to eat.
At the same time there was a crow with a piece of cheese in its beak.
The fox said to the crow: "You are a very handsome bird and your voice is beautiful. I'd like to hear you sing."
The crow, flattered by the fox, opened its beak to sing and as it did so the piece of cheese fell to the ground.
The fox picked up the piece of cheese and went away smiling to himself.
Catching the Train
The Candle and the Fan
Sleeping Couple
Fruit Salad

Get a big bowl.
Get 1 pawpaw, 5 bananas, 1 pineapple, and 2 mangoes.
Cut them into small pieces.
Put the pieces into the bowl and mix them.
Add 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of lime and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
Mix them well.
Put the salad into small cups.
Now it's ready to serve to your visitors.
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